<Skills />
Experience/knowledge in different areas...
...and other things I know.
I studied programming at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) for three years, and over the course of a year and a half I've been studying web languages and creating websites. All of this has let accumulate experience creating page layouts and algorithms, and I'm looking to grow much more!
<Projects />
Different projects I've created:
JSON Product Loader
A page that fetches data from an external API and organizes it into categories. Made with React and React Router.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
A simple game of Rock, Paper, Scissors made with a bit of JS. As a personal touch, all drawings are made by me!
Random Quote Generator
Generate quotes from a list of over 1600 phrases. Made with React.
Color Generator
An app that generates different shades off of a color of your choosing through hex values. Made with React.
Iwsh Artist Page
A music artist's discography, streaming services and social links site. Made with Sass and Bootstrap, fully responsive.
FGC Essentials
An introduction to different concepts, mechanics and terminology used in fighting games. Made with plain HTML/Sass.
Review Page Mockup
A very simple app for a mockup review page. Made with React and a bit of Font Awesome.
The code for these sites I've made is in my GitHub profile so feel free to look around!